h o p e

When I think of all the moments that brought me to where I am and shaped the fibers of all I am, it’s as if I’m watching an old black and white film.

I watch from afar, trying to discern words, reading lips. But all I can make out are the feelings that go with each scene.

Love, heartache, pain, devastation, joy, despair.

Oh, but the undercurrent. A background track playing throughout, sometimes so faintly I can hardly make it out, at others so loud I can feel nothing else. A whisper to a scream.

It lives in my chest and curls up in my stomach. It presses into the ground with each step and touches everything I touch, connecting at my fingertips.

h o p e

The drive to keep moving forward through everything meant to take me out, snuff out my light. It flickers then flares to overtake the dark.

Do you feel it?


back to me


carry you